Facebook Monitoring Tool - Spyrix for Efficient Parental Control | Spyrix

Get the most of your Facebook monitoring app

Social networks are full of dangers - from wasted work time to online predators. Our Facebook spy app can help you eliminate them all.

A person scrolling through the timeline on their tablet.
A black woman in a white sweater sitting at the white desk and chatting on Facebook on her laptop.
A person sitting at the desk and calling a friend via Facebook on their laptop.

Monitor posts

Check what the user is posting on Facebook. The program records typed text and posted media.

Spy on chats and messenger

Get copies of sent messages and see screenshots of the chats.

Record voice and video calls

Receive complete recordings of calls made through Facebook with the new additional call recording feature.

A person scrolling through the timeline on their tablet.

Monitor posts


A black woman in a white sweater sitting at the white desk and chatting on Facebook on her laptop.

Spy on chats and messenger


A person sitting at the desk and calling a friend via Facebook on their laptop.

Record voice and video calls


Keystrokes monitoring

Receive records of all keystrokes, including outgoing Facebook messages and typed posts.


Get a complete history of the Facebook conversations. The program takes screenshots of the chat every few minutes or when the user hits the Send button. Thus, screenshots serve as a Facebook message reader.

Visited web pages and search queries

See what pages and Facebook communities the user visits to get an overview of their usual behaviour on the social network.

Clipboard monitoring

Access the clipboard log to see what information the person copies from Facebook.

Website blocker

Restrict access to undesired resources such as Facebook communities, personal pages or other unwanted websites.

User activity tracking

Get a general overview of the person's behaviour on the computer in general and Facebook in particular. See when they turn on and off the computer and periods of their activity and inactivity.

Monitoring features

The Facebook monitoring app developed by Spyrix offers the richest functionality on the market today, from keylogging to broadcasting the screen and webcam live.

A woman typing something on Facebook on her laptop.
A vase with purple flowers and a laptop showing the registration page of Facebook.
A laptop showing the login page of Facebook and a vase of flowers.
Hands typing on a laptop.
A man sitting in front of the computer and holding his head.
A person working on their laptop.

Monitoring features

The Facebook monitoring app developed by Spyrix offers the richest functionality on the market today, from keylogging to broadcasting the screen and webcam live.

Keystrokes monitoring

Receive records of all keystrokes, including outgoing Facebook messages and typed posts.

A vase with purple flowers and a laptop showing the registration page of Facebook.


Get a complete history of the Facebook conversations. The program takes screenshots of the chat every few minutes or when the user hits the Send button. Thus, screenshots serve as a Facebook message reader.

A laptop showing the login page of Facebook and a vase of flowers.

Visited web pages and search queries

See what pages and Facebook communities the user visits to get an overview of their usual behaviour on the social network.

Hands typing on a laptop.

Clipboard monitoring

Access the clipboard log to see what information the person copies from Facebook.

A man sitting in front of the computer and holding his head.

Website blocker

Restrict access to undesired resources such as Facebook communities, personal pages or other unwanted websites.

A person working on their laptop.

User activity tracking

Get a general overview of the person's behaviour on the computer in general and Facebook in particular. See when they turn on and off the computer and periods of their activity and inactivity.

Receive Data in any Convenient Way

Set up preferred methods of data delivery to always have reports at hand.

  • Secure online account

    The complete activity report is always at your fingertips. Log in to your monitoring account from any device anywhere. No access to the target computer is required.

  • Analytics module

    Look into the person's usual behaviour on their computer. Learn at a glance how long they use the computer in general, how much time they spend in chats and apps, what websites they visit the most and much more. Use smart reports to export data from the online dashboard.

  • Live Viewing of the screen and webcam

    Check what the user is doing at any moment. Watch the live broadcast from their webcam or screen of the computer.

  • Screen and webcam recording

    Have no time to sit and monitor your child or employee live all day? Set the program to record the screen and webcam of the computer and watch the recordings at any convenient time.

  • Email

    Receive event logs to your email at regular intervals of time. You can choose to receive only text events, alerts or a complete event log with images.

  • Cloud storage

    Upload event logs automatically to Google Drive and review them whenever it is convenient for you.

Why is social media monitoring important?

A long haired girl looking closely at the screen of her laptop.

Social media is a danger for underage children.

Recent studies show that the average age of children using Facebook is as low as 11. However, the content that they face online might not be intended for children at all. With computers and smartphones taking over our lives, children are no more than one click away from adult websites, illicit drugs or other inappropriate information. Besides, teenagers tend to overshare personal information on social media like Facebook. This information may attract online predators or cyberbullies. Online safety of children raises concerns with more than 40% of parents nowadays. Parental control software is a great way to ensure that your child stays on the bright side of social networks.

Social media decreases the productivity of your employees.

Social media is a danger for adults as well but on a different level. Studies by the communication agency We Are Flint show that more than 50% of adults use social media daily both at home and at work. Another study states that Facebook is the most popular social media. 5% of men and 11% of women spend 45 minutes of every working hour there, and 54% of workers update their Facebook pages from the office. Surprisingly, only 5% of employees have ever received warnings about the use of social media at work. It proves that slacking goes undetected most of the time. Considering the numbers above, it is obvious how much social media harms productivity in the workplace. Employing a Facebook monitoring app will help you detect slackers and improve the efficiency of your team.

A brightly lit office full of people working on their computers and laptops.

Use Cases

A woman working on her laptop surrounded by books and notebooks.

Secure your children’s safety online

Due to their immaturity, children cannot recognise and protect themselves from the dangers that the social network poses, such as inappropriate content, strangers, predators or cyberbullying. That is why parents must take their activity on Facebook under control. However, not every child would share access to their account willingly. If you don't want to ruin the trust between you and your teenage kid, the quiet Facebook spy is your choice. The program runs in the hidden mode and reports all activity to your monitoring dashboard. This way, you can always know who your child talks to and what content they access.

A person drinking coffee and browsing Facebook on their phone.

Limit access to unwanted resources

Spyrix's Facebook monitoring tool offers a site blocker feature that will allow you to bloсk unwanted content for your overly curious child or a lazy employee. The program blocks sites by categories, for example, social networks. Sorry, Jenny, no more posting, back to work! If you notice that your child or employee accesses an unwanted resource, you can also block it by URL or keyword. The software supports all the most popular browsers.

A person sitting in front of the computer and gesturing.

Improve productivity in the workplace

Are you an employer who noticed a drop in the productivity of your team? Your employees may be wasting their time on social networks like Facebook. In this case, a Facebook spy installed on their computer is an easy and effective solution. It will show how much time an employee spends on their work duties and how much precious minutes they waste on the social network daily. The app will give you a complete overview of their workday and allow you to take measures to improve efficiency and productivity. Besides, Facebook tracking can have another unexpected advantage. Knowing that they are under monitoring, the employees will do their best to stick to the rules and focus their efforts on work. Employee tracking software is truly a win-win solution for a business of any size.

Easy installation and user-friendly interface

Set it up in no time even if you are not tech-savvy

Facebook Spy Tools and How to Use Them


In terms of parental and employee monitoring, social media monitoring tools are spy programs that one installs on their child's or employee's devices. After that, the programs track all their activity on that device - not only on social media.

Today the market offers plenty of monitoring tools that vary in price and functionality. The majority of them can track such activity as:

  • overall time of the device usage
  • most used apps
  • visited websites
  • keystrokes
  • search queries

Besides, most tracking tools can take screenshots and block unwanted websites, including social networks. The most advanced spy tools like Spyrix offer live broadcasts from the webcam and screen, sound, screen and video recording and even call recording.

Monitoring tools usually have a hidden mode, so they are not visible to the monitored person. Most programs can also be password-protected, and you can be sure that the person will not access the program and meddle with the settings.


Several years ago, before humanity entered the age of smartphones, the average age of a child who visited Facebook was around 16. Сhildren visited Facebook either from PC or from the first mobile phones that had internet browsers. Today, when smartphones have conquered our lives, and parents have become clement about the use of social media by their kids, the age figure has seen a significant drop. Now it is not higher than 11.

However, several studies have recently revealed that the time the kids spend on Facebook has not grown. Nowadays, most kids spend not more than an hour on Facebook, and a little bit more than a third of them have confessed to spending from one up to two hours on average on the website. Even though it is definitely good that they do not become overly addicted to Facebook, is it possible to trust teens about that?

On the one hand, social media can serve as a rich source for getting knowledge. For that, however, children must understand how social networks work, which is hard for them to do due to their immaturity.

On the other hand, interactions with strangers on Facebook can put teenagers at risk and lead to disastrous consequences. Fake accounts, cyberbullying and online predators are primary reasons to stay alert. The overuse of social media in many cases leads to disturbing psychological effects, such as Facebook depression.

Besides, content shared on social media may not be safe for minors, and a lot of potentially harmful information can reach them. Immense amounts of users and content posted every minute make it almost impossible for the Facebook administration to take measures to counter such problems.

Statistics of children’s usage of Facebook.

Thus, the program for Facebook tracking is a real catch for parents. They can always be sure that their children do what they need for the homework: do research, write essays, and so on and do not waste all the time surfing on Facebook.

A Facebook spy app provides parents with a detailed report that shows how long the child has been using Facebook and discloses other websites that the kid has visited. In this way, parents can put the child's activity on social media under control and ensure that Facebook does not harm their performance in college or school.

Moreover, a Facebook spy lets you know whom the child chats with and restrict potentially dangerous communications.


First of all, you should install the spy tool on the phone or computer of the person that you want to monitor. To do so, you need physical access to the target device and, if we speak about computers, the admin privilege. Once the installation is complete, the app starts tracking the person's activity on that device, including their Facebook activity, such as messages, posts, comments, etc.

You can view the collected data in various ways depending on the tool of your choice. Most spy apps today can deliver data to a secure web account. This way is very convenient as you can access the records from any device and any location. You can also receive the collected data by email, cloud storage or view the activity live via webcam and screen broadcast.


Although spy tools do not give you full access to someone's Facebook messenger, they can give you an impression about their usual talks there. The spy app records all keystrokes, including the messages that the person sends. However, incoming messages are impossible to record this way. Luckily, social media monitoring tools can take screenshots of the chat. For example, Spyrix Facebook spy takes screenshots by timer or whenever the person sends the message. This way, you can be sure that you do not miss anything and always know who your child or employee talks to and what they discuss.

If you use an advanced tool like Spyrix, you also can watch the real-time chat with the Live Viewing feature. Or you can set the app to record the computer screen constantly and watch the recording at any time later.

Video and voice calls are another favourite feature of Facebook Messenger, especially with teenagers. They use it for gaming, meeting new people or chatting with friends. The calls are much harder to monitor as regular monitoring tools do not have any functions to track them. Spyrix has you covered with its call recording feature. The program records all calls made through the Facebook app, giving you more control over your child's communication.


A Virtual Private Network or VPN is a tool that creates a secure connection between your device and other networks over the Internet. With VPN, any data that you send over the Internet goes first to a VPN server. There it gets encrypted and then transmitted to its destination via a safe tunnel. Thus, VPN increases the security of your data on the Internet while also hiding your actual location and the IP address of your device.

Although the VPN technology was initially created for security purposes, today, it is often used to access restricted resources or for malicious purposes. So, can VPN be also used to cheat on the monitoring tool? The answer is no. The spy tool can track activity and transmit the reports no matter what network or VPN the person uses. Moreover, if you restrict access to certain websites for the user, VPN will not stop the program from blocking them.


Today, most spy tools are paid-for, but you can find a few decent free ones. Generally, they will have limited functionality, but if you only want a general overview of the person's activity on social media, they can be a great solution. One of such programs is Spyrix Free Keylogger that can track keystrokes, take occasional screenshots and monitor the general usage of the computer.

Most paid programs offer free trial periods of various duration. It is a good chance for you to test the program for free before deciding to buy.


If you are a worried parent or a husband who suspects his wife of cheating, you might want to have a look at your child's or wife's Facebook chats. And you might want to do it stealthily not to raise any suspicions, so you cannot just take their phone or computer and go through it. So, how do you spy on the person knowing only their number or Facebook ID?

There are no apps that will allow you to spy on Facebook Messenger having just the phone number or the name of the person.

Legal monitoring tools require installation on the device of the person that you want to monitor. In most cases, you cannot install these tools remotely or silently. Thus, you need direct access to the person's device and, of course, their consent for monitoring.


The legality of monitoring is a difficult question. According to US laws, you can install monitoring tools only on the devices that you own. If you are a parent who bought their son a brand new iPhone, or an employer who provides employees with the company's laptops, you have a full right to install a tracking tool on these devices. A small note - you are obliged to notify the person that you are monitoring them. Yes, even if it is your child or partner. And yes, you require their agreement for monitoring.

If you still want to spy on the person without them knowing it, you are going against the law. Besides, it is illegal to install monitoring tools on devices that you do not own. In these cases, if you get caught, you may receive a criminal or monetary penalty, let alone ruined relations with the person. Developer companies are not responsible for the inappropriate use of their products and any subsequent financial, emotional or other damage. The entire responsibility is on you.

Ready to take Facebook activity under control?