5 reasons for losing interest in work because of the boss | Spyrix

5 Reasons For Losing the Interest in Work Because of the Boss


The professional burnout is a long process which leads to the complete indifference to the work duties, growing discontent with the colleagues, feeling of professional incapacity and general mental, physical and emotional exhaustion.
There is a number of reasons that can provoke the burnout: dissatisfaction with life, unsolved personal problems, conflicts, bad temper. The work atmosphere, relations with the staff and the management have no less impact. Any environment, including the manager, is not the reason for the burnout but can be a catalyst for inner processes in the person.
Very often it is the most responsible, hardworking and efficient employees who suffer from the burnout and the harm made by losing them is the greatest. There are five types of the boss’s behaviour that quicken the professional burnout.

Cogwheels, not people


Many managers don’t see their employees as people with their own joys and life troubles. Of course, all managers would like their staff to leave all personal life at the doors of the office. But this is impossible. Someone has to call their child every two hours, someone can’t live without a cup of hot strong coffee and someone needs a chat with the colleagues before returning to work. If the manager sees each employee only as a “combat unit” and doesn’t take into consideration their human weaknesses, employees lose the interest in work, get offended and even leave the company.

You must go there I don’t know where and bring it I don’t know what

Such a manager gives contradictory and mutually exclusive instructions. The employee only starts doing the urgent task and immediately gets another one, even more urgent. As a result, the employee constantly works in the “crisis mode” and is always under stress. A person cannot work like this for a long time and the burnout is the result.

No day without criticism


No less dangerous are managers who don’t leave any work of their employees without criticism. In time, criticism turns into quibbles which puzzle and annoy the employees. Some employees want to change the company, others burn out completely. Criticism is an essential part of work but it must be constructive. You need to praise employees more often even for small achievements - this improves productivity and saves the nervous system, both yours and your employees’.

Punishing the innocent, praising the uninvolved

Some managers don’t like finding out who is guilty of the failure. They punish the whole team equally. Or they praise and promote those who speak louder about the success without finding out whose contribution was the greatest. The employees feel that no one notices their individual contribution and appreciates them as professionals. And if everyone will be punished equally for the mistake, there is no point in doing well. The destructive consequences are the same: from changing the job to the complete burnout of the employees.

Without further explanations

The manager can be a perfect strategist and lead the company to ambitious goals - but the employees do not know about it. The boss finds it unnecessary to inform them about what happens at the higher levels of management. As a result, the employees are sluggish and disinterested and don’t understand why they go to work every day, perform these or those instructions and what the goal of all their work is. Such an approach doesn’t cause the burnout directly, but it creates the environment where the employees lose the point. There is a high probability that they will go looking for the meaning of life in another place.