Find Slackers with Spyrix - Boost Productivity with Monitoring Software

How Spyrix Helped to Find Slackers and Boost Productivity in the Team


The Covid-19 pandemic pushed employers to using employee monitoring to control their staff's work. Even now, when the pandemic is on the decline, the popularity of employee monitoring software steadily grows. Employers are in no hurry to abandon the tools that provide them with deep insights into employees' productivity and behaviour. Employee monitoring software reveals habitual latecomers, slackers and diligent workers and helps to analyze and improve business processes. Besides, such monitoring systems are scalable and can be implemented in a company of any size: from a small startup to a large corporation.

The CEO of a marketing agency faced the necessity of employee monitoring during the extensive growth of his business. In the early days, when all of his team could fit into one office, tracking employees was an easy task. He could come to any worker and see what they were doing, check their browsing history after work or do similar simple checks. As the team grew, these manual monitoring methods did not work anymore or took too much time and effort.

The CEO contacted Spyrix for the solution. He requested a user-friendly cloud solution that could monitor employees' activity on their work computers and make productivity report. Spyrix Employee Monitoring met all the requirements.

How Spyrix Helped to Find Slackers

After installing the software, the CEO immediately discovered that slacking was a much more serious problem in his company than he thought. He noticed that social media usage took a significant part of the workday of some employees. According to Spyrix reports, two managers spent a few hours a day on Facebook or Instagram, browsing random posts, leaving comments or chatting with friends and families. They deleted social media from their browsing history at the end of the day not to get caught slacking. It worked with the old manual monitoring methods but not with Spyrix. The software kept records of visited websites and social media activity even after the browsing history was cleared on the employee's computer.

Logs from another manager's computer revealed that he played online computer games right in his workplace. He was a bright employee who could complete his tasks in a short time, but he never strived for a higher position or asked for additional work. Instead, he used his free time to play games or work on freelance projects.

Using the data collected by Spyrix, the CEO began reforming the work inside his team. For example, he discussed the unacceptability of wasting time on social media in the workplace. Facebook and Instagram were blocked in the office using Spyrix's website-blocking functionality. Also, the CEO gradually charged the bright manager with more responsible tasks to stimulate his growth. Two idlers were under close monitoring, and their productivity improved greatly.

The CEO continues using Spyrix to control his team's work and adjust the process when necessary.