They are late, not delayed. No more of this!

Nowadays most companies create a working atmosphere for their employees by constant briefings, reports, CRM-systems and many other tools to optimize the time usage. As a rule, such policy is most often forcibly imposed by higher management and correspondingly rejected by the stuff.
Most companies face this problem. The HR department has always been a buffer between the management and the personnel and as they say, "It takes all the heat." Therefore, HR-managers are always being criticized for employees’ lateness, failure to meet deadlines, and too big a workload, especially if they provide internal training and development of employees.
So, the CEO notices that one of the employees is constantly late, cannot properly plan his or her working day, and hurries while working. So, naturally, the quality of work lowers. But the employee is valuable or the job is too specific, so he or she must stay in the company. Thus, starts the "happy life" for the HR department.
And if there are too many of such employees, HR must try very hard to fix the situation. And how to change an adult who, in his or her life, never came to meetings on time or used to do everything at the last moment? It seems that "it is impossible", but for HR there is nothing impossible.
In fact, there are several ways to re-educate such "stars":
Psychologists say that shame is one of the most powerful motivators
There are several ways to put to shame:
- You give a bad example to subordinates.
- You "defile" the department.
- You let the newcomers understand that they shouldn't obey any rules.
- You show disrespect for management.
- You jeopardize everyone in case the management loses patience
- You answer with ingratitude to the loyalty of the manager, who lets you go when you ask to leave.
They fear shame like the plague. "Stars" of the company cannot stand when someone shames them. Especially in public
A badge of shame that employees are forced to wear when they are late, even if they communicate with customers.
Awarding flagrant latecomers publicly after, for example, the best employee of the month.
"Latecomer" contest in the corporate newspaper
The method of the carrot and stick is still effective: give bonuses for those who come to work on time for a whole month. This can be not only payments but also non-material motivation in any form.
Be a pain in the neck
(For those who have a lot of patience):
- Every morning make them write an explanatory report.
- On briefings make them explain the lateness reason once again publically.
- Every day when he or she is late give explanatory talks.
- Once a week provide training that is obligatory for the latecomer.
- Record training and give it to latecomers to listen to each day they are late.
Well, when you finally run out of patience, use fines.
- Money penalty can be assigned in any amount.
- Make the employee work off missed hours at the weekend.
- Do not let the employee leave during the working day.
Moreover, it is better to choose the punishment according to the type of motivation of the employee and there will be a better effect. One might not care about someone shaming but the salary reduction will make him or her come on time. Someone else might not count the money but will understand chief’s scolding.
It is important to remember that different motivators are effective for each employee; the main thing is to monitor the situation to prevent resignations.