Top 3 Future Jobs for 2030 to Earn a Living | Spyrix

What to Be: Three Jobs That Will Earn Your Living in 2030


There are fewer and fewer subordinates and more and more managers in the offices today (the number of managers in the USA has increased by 41% since 1996 to 2016, but the number of job opportunities has decreased by 11%).

Companies approach hiring more and more carefully and try to predict what employees they need today to have a competitive advantage tomorrow.

Specialists in short-term projects, talented salesmen and developers, who are up-to-date with the modern trends, won’t lose their jobs for a long time.

Guru of project work

Companies have to constantly introduce new products or explore new directions to increase their benefits that is why they need professionals for project work. Freelance labour exchanges assess the employee’s aptitude quickly and precisely. Such companies as Catalant Technologies help companies to select non-staff personnel and consultants with certain skills. The Catalant platform uses learning algorithm of search - it improves criteria of selection with the help of the data received from the new clients.

Recently the company has modified their platform. Now it can serve as the register of the staff, taking into consideration their skills and inclinations. The platform is expected to allow companies to assess their opportunities better.

Another platform, Reacha, offers “digital business cards” that create and develop the network of business contacts in real time. The application positions itself as “Uber for everything else”  and its main purpose is to help both professionals and companies to build a trusting relationship immediately.


Salesmen who can make clients loyal

Companies refuse the traditional model of sales with affiliate commissions, the main problem of which is blurred borders: it is very difficult to detect if the company itself enjoys the loyalty of its clients or is completely dependent of its affiliates. It can increase its sales, but loyalty is the problem: such companies rarely have a constant audience.

Companies invest more in “inbound marketing” - creating native content, teaching potential clients and pushing them gently and gradually to making a purchase with the help of specifically chosen information about the company. Clients are more loyal to the companies that teach them that to the ones that promote their goods aggressively. Moreover, 32% of marketers believe aggressive promotion to be the waste of time.

The company helps to teach those who will teach others in future - experts in inbound marketing. The start-up of founders Moz and Hubspot issues a digital digest of the market and maintains the professional community of specialists in marketing and sales. Companies that want to pass over to inbound marketing can go to for selecting a specialist - more than 150000 people use the platform today.

Serious companies regularly make large investments in research and development and their heads know that stability and long-term perspectives in business depend on the ability to predict the market. As soon as the company discovers the demand for a new service or a product, it needs specialists to turn this demand into supply.

SaaS industry (software on subscription) has been experiencing exponential development during the past few years and has long expanded outside Silicon Valley. Now, this model is successfully employed in many companies in a variety of fields. For example, the new start-up of Awari, founded in Kansas-city is a SaaS platform for struggling against inequality in job placement. Another SaaS platform, Entelligo is based in Amsterdam and focuses on companies selling alternative energy sources - with its help they can access potential clients and various services including an energetical audit.

Developers who feel the demand for this or that technology and create solutions to satisfy it automatically provide an irrefutable advantage to their companies.