How to Set Up a Secure Periphery Around Your House

The truth is that when people hear the words “security perimeter” they immediately think of different military facilities as well as prisons surrounded by electrical fences. Even though it certainly does contribute a lot in those settings, security also has a broad use in domestic applications. Setting up such a secured periphery around your hose is not something hard to do and it doesn’t have to include impenetrable defenses. Combining it with a monitoring system, the perimeter is going to aid you to make your home a secure environment to live in indeed. This is why we present to you a few tips that would help you get on with it right away.
Right of the bat, you should be informed that your home actually has two different perimeters. The first one is consisted solely of the walls as well as the windows and your front door. The other periphery includes the boundaries of your own yard because it also has to be properly monitored. If you live in an apartment however, you are unlikely to have a yard but you should definitely consider your balcony or your parking spot.
In order to properly guard the inner perimeter you would have to secure the doors and your windows with locks which would prevent any unwanted physical entry. Also consider window braces which would allow you to leave your windows open even if you are not home. They won’t provide enough space for anyone to get inside. If you have horizontal sliding windows you should consider cutting a piece of wood which should fit in the track and if you have vertical sliding windows you can always buy a window stopper from the store.
It is highly recommended that your door locks have deadbolts. These are possible to be installed additionally, should you consider doing so. If you are through with securing your windows and doors, you are only left with the installation of the alarm system. These systems typically take advantage of different motion sensors which are placed on your windows and doors. It is advisable that you install sensors which are directly attached to the central system for the doors and windows that you use more regularly. For the other ones you can always get sensors which are rather cheap and they would trigger the alarm if the window or the door opens.
This is called the inner perimeter. Once you are through with it, you are ready to move forward to setting up your outer one. Keep in mind that burglars are normally going to hide in the brushes and wait for you to leave. This is because it allows them to get in your house fast enough without drawing any unwanted attention. If you do have such plants near your house it is recommended that you keep them properly trimmed and in a size that won’t allow someone to hide behind them.
The next thing that you could consider doing is to properly light up your yard so that it is all lit up during the night. You can use motion sensor lighting in order to enjoy a calm sleeping environment. They also add a significant amount of security because you would instantly know if someone is approaching your yard. Make sure to have them installed at the back of your home as well.
If you don’t want your bicycles or your children’s toys to get stolen, make sure to keep them locked in and don’t leave them in your yard unattended. This rule also applies to balconies, not just yards.
It is always recommendable that you have a fence or a concrete wall on the boundaries of your property. These don’t have to be excessively tall or thick, they just need to slow the burglars because speed is essential for every thief. This is why every possible obstacle that may slow them down might get them to reconsider robbing your house.
Those fences which don’t have any holes or gaps in them are the most effective. Typically the only gap would be where your driveway is because most people don’t enjoy opening huge gates every time they have to use their car. Make sure to check the local legal provisions that govern the regime of fences before installing one in order to avoid any legal issues.
Your home can easily become a sanctuary of protection if you take these tips to strengthening your inner and outer peripheries. The majority of the advice given can be accomplished without having to sign up for security monitoring services but this is also recommended for added protection. These companies are broadly experienced and they have the resources to provide you with professional protection. Nevertheless, the security of the place you live in is after all your responsibility and these are some of the tips that you could use to achieve this goal.