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Blog - Page №15


Remote Screen Recorders

Remote Screen Recorders How is Remote Screen Recorder Useful? Parental Control Nowadays every parent is worried about the improper usage of the gadget by his/her kid or teen. Remote screen recorder can record any kind of internet activity and application usage. With the help of such recordings, parents can know it for sure what their kids do at their free time and point for children what is bad and what is good for them.

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Best Apps to Listen to Live Surrounds

Best Apps to Listen to Live Surrounds Why Use Surround Recording Apps? There are several reasons why you may need to record surroundings: If you have kids, you know that they may not tell you everything that happens to them when you're absent. Your kids may be dangling with a bad company or they may be bullied by some of their friends. Surround recording software will help you find out what actually they’re up to.

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7 Ways How Employee Monitoring Software Improves Productivity

Every employee in an organization is expected to contribute to its growth and overall productivity. However, in order to make this happen, organizations need to take a proactive approach to boost employee productivity. This especially holds in a modern era where work happens more often on computers and the use of the Internet presents plenty of distractions to employees.

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Spector 360 review

Spector 360 is a cloud-based program. Hence, it is not common software for monitoring employees. Spector 360 is a versatile program in the sense that you can use any web enabled device to monitor employee activity. This is a transparent mode of monitoring with the employee aware of the fact. You have the option of a discreet mode too. Anyway, you can either method for monitoring company activity.

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8 Taboos, or What Subjects Shouldn’t Be Discussed in the Interview

Judging by the number of job offers, every candidate has a chance to be invited to an interview. It’s important to grasp this chance. One inappropriate phrase or a tactless question can ruin the good impression that an HR-manager has after studying your perfect resume. In this case, what to say in the interview to avoid all the pitfalls and get an offer to take the vacant post? Indeed, silence is golden. But not in the job interview.

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“Toxic Employees”: Who Poisons the Office Atmosphere

Nerves are an unpredictable thing, you can lose them unexpectedly. Everyone has their kinks but there is always a person on the staff (or even some of them) who seems to have lost their nerve at the moment they got the job in the company. They slam drawers of the table so hysterically that half of the office shudders, roll their eyes meeting their colleagues and express their indignation about everything.

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How Habits Help You To Achieve Your Goals

Habits are those hidden powers that rule our lives. Useful habits help us to achieve our goals and bad ones hinder it, accordingly. In any case, habits have a great influence on our unconscious behaviour. The difference between a habit and a goal is not semantic - they work differently. For example: You want to learn a foreign language: this can be a desire to learn to speak fluently in six months (a goal) or a decision to practice for half an hour every day (a habit).

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How to Avoid Risks at Dismissal: a Step-by-step Manual

This article will be useful in the situation when you have already made a decision to leave for specific reasons but you don’t have a job offer from your future company yet and you are in quite a good relations with your current employer.

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3 Phrases That Can Neutralize Any Criticism Quickly

Every one of us has to listen to criticism from time to time - from relatives and friends, colleagues, clients, partners or just strangers. Our reaction can be different depending on our character, age, temperament and education. Sometimes we are just overwhelmed with the offence. What should we do in this situation? Can criticism be turned to your benefit? It can. If you use a magic formula that can neutralize any criticism. It sounds like: “yes - but - let’s…”. Step one.

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5 Crucial and Funny Mistakes in Vacancy Announcements

Nowadays a candidate looking for a job is surrounded by a great number of job offers - on the job sites, boards and of course, in advertisements. As a rule, the increased number of vacancy announcements leads to the fact that the candidate becomes picky while reviewing offers. Any mistake in the vacancy announcement may become fatal - the perfect candidate will simply “walk by”.

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